Monday, August 26, 2013

My weekend was good, how about you?

I had a very fruitful weekend. From going to a friend's wedding to hosting a mini open house.


One of my closest friend had her wedding reception on Saturday. The event was held at Kem Wardieburn, Setapak. Very meriah wedding event of anak askar ni. 

Sedikit touching during the event as Umi (the bride) is someone that is very close to my heart. We've known each other since primary school. We were classmates since primary 4 up till Form 5 (not counting Form 1-3 as we were not in the same class then). We were on the same school bus during both primary & secondary years. We have shared our love-hate friendship throughout our growing years in BBGS hating each other sebab konon-konon "I am too cool for you" and we have also helped each other in scoring our Accounting paper for SPM. And eventhough we went on our own separate ways (I went to KMPP & USM while Umi went to KMK & UITM) but we still keep in touch with each other. She is on of the girls who I can cakap merepak with.

And she's married now to her loving husband. May you have a wonderful married life fill with love and happiness hingga ke Jannah, In Shaa Allah. I am so very happy for you my friend.

And of course, I met my usual bunch of girlfriend during the event. Meriah mak!


We decided to host a mini open house for friends and family yesterday. Mini open house because we only invited close family & friends to our house. Alaa, my house very small, can't fit a lot of people at one time.

We had Nasi Lemak sambal sotong, Nasi Arab sedap & Macaroni soup malay style. Unfortunately, I did not have photos of each dishes. Tapi nak cakap makanan memang habis semua and kaki sangat penat selepas mencuci pinggan & kemas rumah.

Of course, the usual bunch.

And......The whole gang. Thanks for coming guys. 

Ohh, I had so much fun making other people's tummy happy. I'm happy when your tummy is happy :)

But now, here I am still in the office waiting for client's proposal at 7pm. I want to go home!!!!

Have a nice day kawan-kawan.

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