Monday, September 7, 2009

12 Days to Hari Raya

On the 17th day of Ramadan, the moon has finally "arrived" on my sister's bag. So, she decided to act accordingly. We were busy cleaning the house as the furniture is now ready to be displayed (dah serupa macam showroom rumah ku itu) but she was busy filling her tummy with KFC. Jealous?! Obviously. Who doesn't? When your body is aching, tired and thirsty; all that you could think of at that particular moment is a nice air sejuk ais ketul-ketul; cooling your throat down but all that you are witnessing is someone having a nice meal at the end of the kitchen corner that smells as good as an KFC chicken. Coz it WAS KFC CHICKEN!

And I decided to commit a sin for myself too. Since it was a very hot day with the pressure of watching your sister having a nice meal while you were struggling to not to faint for fasting; I took a long shower in the name of cooling myself down. Shower yang sumpah lama kalau masak nasi, nasi boleh masak ranggup! And I don't fucking care.

Jadi, pada puasa yang ke-17, kita semua bersalah!

On the other note, my favourite cousin, Salehuddin's favourite quote is "haiyaaa" (with a perfectly chinese-sound-tone) and I keep on wondering where on earth does he learn such word. Mind you, he's only 4. Kids can be such an adorable ones that brighten up your days and nights no matter how naughty they could've been.

Oh! I'm blessed! Alhamdulillah

Fadhilat Solat Terawih Malam KeLapanBelas: Seru Malaikat : Hai hamba Allah sesungguhnya Allah telah redha kepada engkau dan ibubapa engkau (yang masih hidup atau mati).

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